
Welcome to the sunny French Riviera and our second JUDCon in this locale! I’m extremely excited for Red Hat to be able to sponsor a JUDCon here because throughout the history of JBoss and then Red Hat, French developers and users have been at the heart of everything we do. Whether it’s the Ceylon language, Camel, ActiveMQ, or WildFly, for instance, you can find French core developers working for us or other companies driving the innovation forward at a rapid pace. Therefore, it is only fitting that we have a JUDCon here because, as many of you will know from the history of JUDCon, this is an event ‘By Developers and For Developers’. We’ve been running JUDCons throughout the world for many years and whilst the themes of the tracks may have changed between events, the underlying theme remains the same: if you want to learn about the innovative things going on with enterprise Java in all of its guises then come to JUDCon and listen to the presentations; if you want to share your experiences with others in the audience then you’ll find plenty of opportunity at the events in and around the sessions; if you just want to be inspired for the next great coding adventure ahead of you then this is one of the best events to be at. JUDCon is about community participation in all of its forms and I really hope you enjoy this event as much as we have enjoyed pulling it together.


Mark Little, VP Red Hat, CTO JBoss.


5 minutes to Enterprise Node.js with RHOAR
Languages Conference Beginner EN

For nearly a decade, Node.js has been been maturing as a runtime platform, and gaining mindshare among the programming community. Now, we are beginning to see real interest in Node.js at the corporate/enterprise level. Red Hat is rising to meet that demand with the release of Node.js in Red Hat OpenShift Application Runtime - RHOAR. In this talk we will begin with the current state of Node.js at Red Hat, including both supported products and upstream community projects. Attendees will learn not only what is available, but why and how to use Node.js in both OpenShift and Kubernetes - the container orchestration platform upon which OpenShift is built.

Apache Kafka: Turning your architecture inside out
Architecture, Performance & Security Conference Beginner EN

Apache Kafka is a leading internet-scale streaming data platform, but many developers don't fully understand what a streaming data platform is. More importantly, organisations often don’t recognise how it could revolutionise their whole architecture. This session is aimed at those who want to learn more about how Apache Kafka represents a paradigm shift away from the data architectures of the past. It will explain the essential concepts behind Kafka (including its synergy with microservices-based development), demonstrate an example Kafka Streams application, and illustrate how such applications are composed together into a modern architecture.

Applications et librairies réactives avec RX Java 2
Architecture, Performance & Security Deep-dive hands-on Beginner FR

La programmation réactive s’inspire de la programmation fonctionnelle et des flux de données. En d’autres termes, c’est déroutant…

RX Java 2 est une librairie Java qui implémente les concepts de la programmation réactive. Dans ce lab nous apprendrons à utiliser RX Java 2, les concepts, les opérateurs, et évidemment les bonnes pratiques. Nous verrons aussi comment RX Java 2 simplifie la concurrence, la tolérance aux pannes et la robustesse. Mais attention, RX Java 2 n’est pas une baguette magique. Nous parlerons aussi des limites et comment les contourner.

Ce lab présente également la création de librairies réactives avec RX Java 2. Avec la mouvance réactive, de nombreuses librairies bloquantes et synchrones ne sont plus utilisables.

Bref, ce lab couvre tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour commencer vos développements réactifs. Que vous vouliez utiliser RxJava 2 dans vos applications ou fournir une version réactive de votre librairie, il est fait pour vous.

Technologies utilisées : Java, RX Java 2, Eclipse Vert.x, Kotlin Prérequis : Connaissance de Java 8 (lambda, streams…), un IDE Java, git

Bringing order to the chaos with Eclipse Vert.x
DevOps, Cloud, container & Scaling Conference Beginner EN

Do you need to build scalable distributed failure proof low latency microservices but don't know where to start?

All you need is a Java Virtual Machine. Vert.x 3 combines the power of reactive programming, clusterable message-driven architecture and a polyglot API to make that a reality.

This talk presents the key concepts of Vert.x and how you can use it to build your next application. We will explore the basic concepts of Chaos Engineering and demonstrate as a microservice application can be prepared for the chaos.

I'll illustrate how to prepare a plan, break things so you will be ready when failure comes! Rolling back is not a plan!

C'est quoi au juste déveloper une application "Cloud Native"
DevOps, Cloud, container & Scaling Conference Beginner FR

Le métier du développeur a complètement changé ces dernières années avec l'apparition des architectures de type Microservices, les conteneurs Docker et la plateforme de gestion Kubernetes.

Cette transformation s'est également accompagnee d'une migration progressive des applications vers le cloud afin de bénéficier de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Durant cette présentation, vous découvrirez quelles sont les principes inhérents au développement orienté Cloud ou "Cloud Native" ainsi que des outils, patterns, services dont vous beneficierez pour accelerer le processus de développement sur ce type de plateforme.

Cette présentation sera agrémentée de plusieurs démonstrations permettant de conceptualiser le processus de fabrication/déploiement d'une application Spring Boot Microservices développée autour d'un site web, un backend et d'une base de données MySQL.

Comment Openshift vous facilite Kubernetes
DevOps, Cloud, container & Scaling Conference Beginner FR

OpenShift est une solution d’orchestration de containers basée sur Kubernetes.

Mais savez-vous réellement ce qu’apporte OpenShift par rapport à Kubernetes ?

En tant que architectes Red Hat c’est une question à laquelle nous répondons souvent lorsque nous mettons en place des clusters OpenShift chez nos clients.

Dans cette session je partagerai notre expérience du terrain sur ce que OpenShift ajoute à Kubernetes à travers des fonctionnalités concrètes d’utilisabilité, de sécurité, d'exploitabilité et de build.

Data Streaming for Microservices using Debezium
DevOps, Cloud, container & Scaling Conference Intermediate EN

Streaming changes from your datastore enables you to solve multiple challenges: synchronizing data between microservices, maintaining different read models in a CQRS-style architecture, updating caches and full-text indexes, and feeding operational data to your analytics tools.

Join this session to learn what change data capture (CDC) is about and how it can be implemented using Debezium, an open-source CDC solution based on Apache Kafka. Find out how Debezium captures all the changes from datastores such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB, how to react to the change events in near real time, and how Debezium is designed to not compromise on data correctness and completeness also if things go wrong.

In a live-demo session based on top of Red Hat’s OpenShift platform we’ll show how to set up a change data stream to any downstream consumers, without any code changes needed.

Develop a Spring Boot - Cloud Native application
DevOps, Cloud, container & Scaling Deep-dive hands-on Beginner EN

The goal of this lab is to show how a Spring Boot application designed as 2 µServices could be designed as a Cloud Native application to leverage the OpenShift and Kubernetes features of the Cloud Platform.

The project to be developed is a traditional Front and Backend application connected to a RDMS system (MySQL). 2 Maven projects will be created using the Spring code generator "start.spring.io", code will be then developed to implement the CRUD pattern using JPA - Hibernate Spring starter. The Front application will display a table of Notes and logic needed to create, update, delete a "Note" while the backend will expose Rest Endpoints to manage the CRUD operations. Each operation will be mapped to a JPA operation in order to handle the records with the database

The different Cloud Native concepts that we will investigate during this lab will be :

  • Build/Deploy the applications on the cloud platform
  • Externalisation of the parameters (ConfigMap),
  • Remote debugging the Spring Boot application
  • Service Discovery
  • Service Catalog to bind/provision a service
  • CI/CD (automation of the building process)
  • Mount a secret with the DataSource information
  • Horizontal scaling to load balance request to the front
  • Distributed tracing
Integration des #Microservices avec zéro code
DevOps, Cloud, container & Scaling Deep-dive conference Beginner FR

Avec le nombre croissant d'APIs et des microservices, le temps qui est donné pour intégrer cet ensemble est devenu de plus en plus court! C'est pour cela il faut un bon outil qui permet de developper rapidement des Microservices d'intégration et pourquoi pas avec zéro code.

Dans cette session nous allons voir comment developper depuis un browser un microservice d'intégration avec apache Camel avec 0 code, 100% cloud-based et conteneurisé dans OpenShift.

Java containers in production - mastering the "banana box principle"
DevOps, Cloud, container & Scaling Conference Beginner EN

Amadeus runs JBoss EAP containers in production on OpenShift. In this talk you will discover the "banana box principle", i.e. a box in a box in a box. Come learn some rudimentary JVM and container internals to start your JVM cloud experience with a smile.

What we will first look at are the different boxes with a focus on memory

  • Box 1 : JVM memory management (for us OpenJDK)
  • Box 2 : Container memory limits (Linux cgroups)
  • Box 3 : Openshift node memory (the VM provisioned by Openstack)

Then we look at our production use case where we

  • run a monolith EAR on a multi-GB JBoss EAP container by Red Hat
  • scaled this JBoss JVM container to dozens of pods
  • needed to investigate why our JVM containers started core & heap dumping
  • use tools like InfluxDB & Grafana to monitor the stack
  • are lucky to have Openshift that mitigates cleverly any dying container
Maitriser sa gestion de l'identité avec Keycloak
Architecture, Performance & Security Deep-dive conference Beginner FR

Keycloak est une solution Open Source qui permet d'externaliser facilement la gestion de l'identité de vos projets. Ceci inclue l'authentification,la mise en place de la couche d'autorisation.

Le projet a gagné énormément en popularité ces 2 dernières années car il réponds réellement à un besoin.

Keycloak permet de sécuriser des applications frontend, des applications backend de nature différente (Java EE, Spring Boot, NodeJS), il supporte différents protocoles comme OpenID Connect, SAML2 … Bref la matrice des possibilités est importante et ce format université permettra tranquillement de traiter de manière concrète des cas d'usages principaux.

Mixology of technology in your applications
Architecture, Performance & Security Conference Beginner EN

“Never go full Microservices” - Kirk Lazarus, Tropic Thunder

While working on greenfield projects and technology is a lot of fun - unfortunately most of us actually need to combine the latest and greatest with our standard technology. In this talk I will show how this can be just as fun! We will take some tried and true technology like PostgreSQL and JBoss EAP, use it in new and interesting ways with message queues, reactive async, single-sign on, to create a “hybrid type” application. As part of the talk we will examine how this all fits with the incessant push to be “all in” with microservices and cutting edge technology.

Scalable cloud IDE with Eclipse Che and OpenShift
DevOps, Cloud, container & Scaling Conference Beginner EN

Eclipse Che is a browser-based IDE providing on-demand workspaces that include runtimes and IDEs. It is powered by a RESTful workspace server (with OpenShift or Kubernetes as underlying infra), plug-ins for languages, frameworks, and tools. In this session, we will demonstrate how to install Eclipse Che on OpenShift Container Platform to provide a collaborative developer environment to your team. We will show you, how you can boost the power of Eclipse Che, to seamlessly integrate it with your organization system using Keycloak. We will also discuss how you can manage your teams, groups, sub-organizations, and enabled fine-grained permission to access to APIs and resources.

Teaching programming to children using Minecraft on OpenShift/Kubernetes
Other Conference Beginner EN

When we were younger, getting enthusiastic about programming and computers in general was a lot easier than it is now. They where these "magical" machines that would do whatever you wanted them to do. Today, computers are in everybody's day to day lives and have lost that "magical" feeling. The challenge is to get children excited about programming by reducing the time to setup and learning concepts, but get started right away with something they love - like Minecraft! We'll show you how with Kubernetes, OpenShift and Minecraft we can progressively do just - at first using our ScratchX extension to get started with graphical programming, and then with a push on a button you can have a full Java development environment set up to start learning and teaching programming. We set up an Eclipse Che IDE with continuous builds of the modifications, and a Minecraft server with our OSGi extension that can hot reload changes, so that we can have this instant satisfaction we used to have when computers where simpler. All code used in the demo of this project is open source and available to anyone.

Une usine logicielle pour vos web agencies : notre solution avec Openshift
DevOps, Cloud, container & Scaling Conference Beginner FR

Une usine logicielle pour vos web agencies : notre solution avec Openshift Il s’agit d’un retour d'expérience sur la mise en place d’Openshift au sein d’un groupe d’assurances (Le client n’a pas encore donné son accord pour être nommé). Le but est de présenter le projet, son objectif, sa mise en oeuvre, les difficultés que nous avons rencontrées, les gains que nous en avons obtenu et ce que nous en avons retenu . Le plan (susceptible d'évoluer):

  • Le projet original (5 min)
  • L'architecture technique (20 min)
    • Openshift (master/nodes/etcd)
    • Le portail (api/rest)
    • Les templates
    • Les difficultés (15 minutes)
    • Les PV
    • Les images
    • La documentation
  • Les gains (15 minutes)
    • Traçabilité
    • Sécurité
    • Réactivité Conclusion & Questions / Réponses (5 min)
Why you actually do care about microprofile
Languages Conference Beginner EN

You may or may not have heard about MicroProfile. You may or may not know there are actually 5 implementations that are breaking new ground for Java in the Microservices + Enterprise space. You may or may not have seen that it is Open Source, Community Based, and in the Eclipse Foundation.

Well never fear, this talk will introduce you to all of the above and more. We will also show demos of how MicroProfile makes your life even better as a Java Web Developer. Then we follow that up with some demos of innovation and how they help you in a world based on Linux Containers. Finally we will finish with showing you where to get started and how to get involved!