
Mixology of technology in your applications
Architecture, Performance & Security Conférence Débutant EN

“Never go full Microservices” - Kirk Lazarus, Tropic Thunder

While working on greenfield projects and technology is a lot of fun - unfortunately most of us actually need to combine the latest and greatest with our standard technology. In this talk I will show how this can be just as fun! We will take some tried and true technology like PostgreSQL and JBoss EAP, use it in new and interesting ways with message queues, reactive async, single-sign on, to create a “hybrid type” application. As part of the talk we will examine how this all fits with the incessant push to be “all in” with microservices and cutting edge technology.

JUDCon Conference [Amphi 139]
17 mai 2018
10:40 - 11:30